
The WOF Driver encountered a corruption - DISM error

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Users may get this error when they endeavour to run DISM to resolve some bug on their operating arrangement. However, sometimes due to corrupted system drivers, DISM fails to complete the process, resulting in the error Fault 448, The WOF Driver encountered a corruption in the compressed file'southward Resource Table. If you are too facing the aforementioned issue and then kindly read through this article – we will aid in resolving it for you lot.

The WOF driver encountered a corruption

WOF Driver or wof.sys is more specifically known as Windows Overlay Filter commuter. It "overlays" virtual files into a directory that also contains normal physical files. It is an of import organization file that is required for the smooth working of the Windows operating system. The Windows Overlay File Arrangement Filter Driver is unable to starting time if the FltMgr service is stopped or disabled.

The WOF driver encountered a corruption

Effort the post-obit solutions to resolve the DISM mistake:

  1. Start Component Cleanup
  2. Restore Wellness
  3. Configure an alternative Windows Repair Source
  4. Use Windows installation as the repair source

one] Beginning Component Cleanup

Next, execute the following command:

dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Prototype /StartComponentCleanup

This volition clean up the component store so that everything can run properly over again.

ii] Restore Health

Restart and and so Run SFC /scannow in Rubber Way.

Restart your system and see if yous can run the following command now:

dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Epitome /RestoreHealth

This should help!

3] Configure an alternative Windows Repair Source

Y'all tin configure your system to use an alternative repair source, via a Grouping Policy setting. This could exist helpful in resolving the issue.

4] Apply Windows installation equally the repair source

To employ a running Windows installation as the repair source, or employ a Windows side-past-side folder from a network share or from a removable media, such every bit the Windows DVD, as the source of the files, you can use the following command:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\RepairSource\Windows /LimitAccess

Here you will take to replace C:\RepairSource\Windows with the location of your repair source.

TIP: Folks who have received Windows Update error 0x80073712 have been known to see this DISM error when they try to run it to fix their Update mistake. You may demand to fix your broken Windows Update using DISM then.

Karan Khanna is a passionate Windows user who loves troubleshooting Windows xi/10 issues in specific and writing about Microsoft technologies in general.


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