
Lunar X for Windows Phone, shuttling around the moon

Lunar X

Lunar X is a Windows Telephone game that reminds me of the quondam Lunar Lander arcade game but with a picayune more gusto.

The story line goes that the Mayan's were right and as the world ends you escape to the moon to find a new home. Lunar X has you in the cockpit of a lunar lander finding your way around the moon'southward surface.

The game has 2 difficulty levels, forty levels of play and customizable ships. Lunar X is a challenging game for your Windows Phone and not a bad mode to pass the time.

Lunar X has 2 difficulties of play, easy and hard. A tutorial is available when you first play the game to walk you through the ship customization screens where you lot tin modify the engines, chasis, and control layout. If yous don't similar the preset transport layouts you can design your own.

Lunar X customization

One time you've skipped or completed the tutorial, yous jump into game play. Each difficulty setting has twenty levels of play where you have to navigate your lunar lander to a landing platform. The game screen layout has your fuel levels running across the tiptop of the screen and your thruster controls scattered about the bottom of the screen.

You navigate your ship by firing your thrusters accordingly. The longer yous burn your thrusters, the quicker your fuel is consumed. It's best to utilise your thrusters in bursts. Some levels have bonus items that will re-fuel your transport along the way simply fuel conservation as well as navigation tin can be rather challenging with Lunar Ten.

Lunar X game screen

While Lunar Ten does have on-screen hints pop-upwards from fourth dimension to time on game play, the help section could use some beefing up. Other than that, graphics are highly-seasoned, game play challenging and Lunar X is a fun game to laissez passer the time with.

There are three versions of Lunar Ten, compatible with Windows Phone viii and 7.ten devices, in the Windows Telephone Store. You have an easy (really easy) Lunar X Kids version and a free, ad-supported version, Lunar X Complimentary. At that place is a free trial version for Lunar X (the paid version) with the full version running $ane.99 that you can find here in the Windows Phone Store.

QR: Lunar X Tags


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