
How To Get Heracross In Pokemon Go

Table of Contents

Click for Mega Heracross

How Shiny is Acquired

Eggs, Raids, Wild

  • Original
  • Shiny
  • Variations

Pokemon Ratings

PvE Attacker Rating 3.5 / 5

Great League PVP Rating See all 2 / 5

Ultra League PVP Rating See all 3 / 5

Master League PVP Rating See all 3 / 5

Pokemon Stats

54.00 kg Weight

1.50 m Height

Pokemon Max CP

Level 50: 3,506

Level 40: 3,101

Level 25: 2,215 (Raid + Weather)

Level 20: 1,772 (Raid)

Level 15: 1,329 (Research Tasks)

PVE Movesets Grades

PVE Offensive Moves Explanation

  • Counter should be paired with Close Combat. Heracross is best used as a Fighting-type attacker.

  • Struggle Bug can be paired with Megahorn for Bug-type offense, but there are better options in this role.

  • Rock Blast can add some versatility for attacking Gyms as a secondary move, but is otherwise not very useful.

  • Earthquake is outclassed by Heracross's other charge moves.

PVE Defensive Moves Explanation

  • Struggle Bug performs better than Counter, but is resisted by many types that would attack Heracross.

  • Rock Blast is the only multi-bar move available, and its Rock typing is also very valuable against Flying-type attackers.

  • The rest of the available Charge Moves are 1-bar moves.Close Combat, Megahorn, Earthquake is the order of preference.

PVE Overview

Heracross has a unique Bug/Fighting typing that will not be seen again until Ultra Beasts in Sun/Moon. As a Bug-type attacker, Heracross is both outclassed and not viable for tasks such as soloing Alakazam. As a Fighting-type attacker, Heracross is still outclassed, but it's a great choice for tasks that require lots of pugilistic power.

Heracross frequently appears in gyms, either to show off or to help a player farm candy, but its defensive prowess is poor, being weak to and resisted by many types.

If you're lucky enough to have a good Heracross outside of its native range, then definitely hold onto it. When and if we see Mega Evolution released, Heracross has a particularly strong mega evolution up its sleeve.

PVP Movesets Grades

Quick Charge ATK


Rock Blast




Rock Blast

Close Combat


PvP Moveset Explanation

Counter + Rock Blast and Close Combat or Megahorn or Earthquake

Counter is considered by many to be the overall best move in the PVP meta, sporting a fantastic mix of4 DPT(Damage Per Turn) and3.5 EPT (Energy Per Turn). This allows it to do very good damage while charging its moves at an above-average rate.

The addition of Rock Blast following the GBL Season 9 update is very appealing for Heracross due to its low energy cost and useful Rock-type coverage, especially against Heracross's weakness to Flying-types. Close Combat enables Heracross to perform more consistently as a Fighting-type and threaten massive damage. Unfortunately the -2 Defense debuff on the user makes it risky to use, which is not very comforting when considering the limited bulk of Heracross.Megahornhits hard and isn't terribly energy-intensive to use. It also grants Heracross an invaluable Bug-type STAB to help it take down many of the Pokemon that it's generally chosen to counter.Earthquake is a strong move that provides wide coverage, but is also the slowest option.

PvP Rating Explanation

Great League: 2 / 5

Heracross can use its unique typing, good stats, and strong moves to act as a niche closer. It's particularly effective against Dark types and can provide solid counter-coverage for Psychic and Ghost-types. The problem here is the fact that its restricted CP does it no favors, and common Pokemon with effective counter-coverage are running around the tier, such as Altaria and Deoxys-D, though Psychic-types in particular also need to be weary of STAB Megahorn. Just note that Heracross fares particularly poorly against Ghost-types, and needs to run very quickly if its opponent has any chance of packing Flying-type moves in particular.

Ultra League: 3 / 5

Heracross is actually fairly good in the Ultra league for the reasons outlined above in conjunction with its substantially less restricted CP. It's a threat to top Steel pokemon, but also destroyed by both Giratina forms. It still acts best as a closer and needs to be paired with a pokemon that can cover its weaknesses, but it can definitely punch holes in the opponent's team if played right.

Master League: 3 / 5

Heracross' performance stays largely the same in the Master League, acting as a closer with typing to counter top threats. It's particularly good at dealing with Dialga, but it's rendered downright trivial in the face of many other threats such as Togekiss and both forms of Giratina. At this stage, Heracross will tend to either perform remarkably well or be little more than dead weight.

Fast Moves

Charge Moves


Female Ratio 50.0 %
Male Ratio 50.0 %
Flee Rate 9.0 %
Buddy Distance 3 km
Capture Rate 30.0 %

Pokemon Type Chart

Raid Boss Catch Rate

Bug Medal





Fighting Medal





Normal Nice! Great! Excellent!
No Berry -
Razz Berry -
Golden Razz Berry -

Pokemon Min/Max CP Values

How to use: You need to know your Pokemon's exact level. To find exactly what level your Pokémon is, power up your Pokémon following this chart until you're certain of your level from Stardust cost changes.

A Pokémon's minimum level is 1.

Every time you power up, your Pokémon gains half a level.

Stardust Level Min CP Max CP
200 1 38 43
200 1.5 78 90
200 2 119 137
200 2.5 160 184
400 3 200 231
400 3.5 241 277
400 4 282 324
400 4.5 322 371
600 5 363 418
600 5.5 404 465
600 6 444 511
600 6.5 485 558
800 7 526 605
800 7.5 566 652
800 8 607 699
800 8.5 648 745
1000 9 688 792
1000 9.5 729 839
1000 10 770 886
1000 10.5 808 930
1300 11 847 974
1300 11.5 885 1019
1300 12 924 1063
1300 12.5 962 1107
1600 13 1001 1152
1600 13.5 1039 1196
1600 14 1078 1240
1600 14.5 1116 1285
1900 15 1155 1329
1900 15.5 1193 1373
1900 16 1232 1417
1900 16.5 1270 1462
2200 17 1309 1506
2200 17.5 1347 1550
2200 18 1386 1595
2200 18.5 1424 1639
2500 19 1463 1683
2500 19.5 1501 1727
2500 20 1540 1772
2500 20.5 1578 1816
3000 21 1617 1860
3000 21.5 1655 1905
3000 22 1694 1949
3000 22.5 1732 1993
3500 23 1771 2038
3500 23.5 1809 2082
3500 24 1848 2126
3500 24.5 1886 2171
4000 25 1925 2215
4000 25.5 1963 2259
4000 26 2002 2304
4000 26.5 2040 2348
4500 27 2079 2392
4500 27.5 2117 2436
4500 28 2156 2481
4500 28.5 2194 2525
5000 29 2233 2569
5000 29.5 2271 2614
5000 30 2310 2658
5000 30.5 2329 2680
6000 31 2348 2702
6000 31.5 2368 2724
6000 32 2387 2747
6000 32.5 2406 2769
7000 33 2425 2791
7000 33.5 2445 2813
7000 34 2464 2835
7000 34.5 2483 2857
8000 35 2502 2879
8000 35.5 2522 2902
8000 36 2541 2924
8000 36.5 2560 2946
9000 37 2579 2968
9000 37.5 2599 2990
9000 38 2618 3012
9000 38.5 2637 3034
10000 39 2656 3057
10000 39.5 2676 3079
10000 40 2695 3101

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How To Get Heracross In Pokemon Go


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